DevOps: GitHub, SSH and keys

Last part I learned how to add new cron jobs to my Linux server. This part, I’m automating pulls from a Github repository.

First, I added the Two Factor Authentication to my Github account. I’m guilty for not doing this before. It’s an easy step to do.

Click on your Avatar -> Settings -> Security

Then you’ll find the option to add the TFA.


Next, I proceeded to add a SSH Key. I’ve done this before on my recent PC (The one with Windows 10 D:), but not on this computer (The one with Ubuntu :D).

All I had to do was type the command

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

Then I added a passphrase and that was it.


Then I added the SSH key on Github. To test it, I cloned the repository I have for the course using SSH:


The repository was successfully cloned.

Automating Pulls

After this configuration, it’s time to automate our pulls. In order to do this, I added a new shell file, The file was the following content:


What it does? It goes to the repository directory and executes a pull.

Now, all we have to do is add a crontab to execute the file. We run the command:

crontab -e

Then, just edit the file with the desired configuration. I decided to run the file everyday at midnight:



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